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Hey There

JALISCo (José Angel Leadership Implementation Strategy Company) is a bilingual-strategic-leadership company that helps companies level up! JALISCo helps start up companies or small companies looking to transition from small to medium-sized companies. We consult and operate globally and speak English - the world language and Spanish! JALISCo was created because of the lack of strategic leadership in smaller family owned companies. Our goal is to assist these companies, whether they want a website designed or need assistance running a successful business! 

All About JALISCo, LLC

JALISCo, LLC Vision Statement

To implement “STRATEGIC” leadership programs in companies to gain and sustain a competitive advantage!


JALISCo, LLC Mission Statement

Utilize the A.F.I. Strategy Framework to help companies Analyze, Formulate, and Implement strategies to gain and sustain competitive advantage in their respective industry!





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